Friday 8 May 2009

What makes Good Judo?

I haven’t blogged for a while as I have been tied up with degree assignments and posting on the BJA forum. It is an area of the forum I wanted to try explore today.


Someone posted 4 video clips

The thread title was Worst Olympian Ever!!!! The author said this must be the worst Olympian ever as he has no heart. Something I disagreed with. So the discussion then lead to what define good and the best Judo is it hoe effective it is – winning the fight no matter how, ...winning with Ippon?

Full thread is here:

When chatting with Lance Wicks ( we looked how do you judo good judo? If it is about beating the opponent then style doesn’t come into it nor does the level of the score – it is about playing the rules.

Playing the rules happens in other sports Formula 1 and the 6 wheeled McClaren of the 1970’s, or the current new diffuser boxes, or the Sailing final that saw Ben Ainsley win gold by not trying to win a race only using the laws of sailing to make his nearest competitor get a low ranking.

You might not like countries loading events with competitors pre Olympics to stop key players from other countries qualifying but it was within the rules if not the spirit of Judo.

So what is good judo?

Someone said to me it was about Ippon Judo nothing more or less – so is 4 minutes of negative judo getting 3 shido’s good judo... as long as you produce one attack that scores you Ippon?

I was looking for a way of rating items that went to good Judo at an ELITE OLYMPIC level...the list I came up with is

My idea on good judo for the Olympics performance judo– different at non recreational level – so if you have these qualities then your judo is good if not judo is bad, and by rating these on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the excellent 1 being the worst or nonexistent, and adding the score up you could create a scale to rate the best and worst performers at an Olympics.

It is not extensive nor is it exclusive. I would like to try and keep lists to 10, so what’s your list? If something on my list is in your opinion wrong please say why and what you would re place it with?

1. Commits to attacks
2. Moves and controls partner with skill as well as strength
3. Ability to use tactics and strategy in fights
4. Adapts the judo to opponent, both using pro active and reactive Judo, passive and aggressive states.
5. Wins fights
6. Doesn’t give up, eg. Carries on fighting to escape in Osekomi ( heart or motivation)
7. Has a variety of scoring techniques, sides and directions
8. Has a variety of gripping patterns and grips
9. Consistent, both fight to fight and from Tachi Waza to Ne Waza
10. Mentally sharp and switched on – able to think to adapt within a completion and fight.

I am trying to keep it to intrinsic quality regardless of the support network, coach etc. 3 Are Psychological, 3 are technical the other cross a couple of boarders.

So the thought I will leave you is what is good judo and how will you recognise it and recognise it in young we have no frame work or points of reference....would love your comments.

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